Virtual Reality (VR) creates a fully immersive experience by transporting users to virtual worlds. Users can interact with things, explore realistic settings, and perform simulated activities using VR. For instance, virtual reality (VR) can transport students to distant lands where they can practice their language abilities in real-world settings. This improves language learning by offering memorable and engaging experiences.

Augmented Reality (AR), on the other hand, enhances the real world by overlaying digital information onto it. Users can view and interact with virtual things in real-time using AR through gadgets like smartphones or smart glasses. AR may be used to generate interactive language workouts, display translations, and provide vocabulary flashcards for language learning. By making it dynamic, interesting, and simple to access, AR brings language learning to life.

Both VR and AR have benefits for distance learning because they can close the distance between students and teachers by fostering a sense of presence and connection. Due to their visual and interactive experiences, these technologies also fit various learning preferences. In order to increase engagement, motivation, and success in language acquisition, teachers can use VR and AR to build personalized, engaging learning experiences.


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