How Does Technology Enhance Language Learning?

All this time in the world, there has been a lot of different kinds of communications for people and one of the most effective and crucial one to improve human’s development and growing since they came into this world is, for sure, language which serves us as a tool of communication and expression, allows us to convey our feelings, ideas, our thoughts and, experiences to the other people. It is vital tool for interaction and is used in socializing, learning etc. There has been several methods and approaches for learning other languages for us to be able to communicate with other people who speak different languages. In traditional ways, people had to learn languages with old techniques such as researching the structure of language in the books, trying to find a word in pages of a grand dictionary which takes a great deal of your time or buying multiple materials to enhance their language skills. These were left in the past in 21st century.  In this century, language learning turned into a facilitated activity which is provided by technology from the traditional ways that are practiced for language learning. Technology provided learning facilities that traditional ways could not and enhanced the way people could learn a language.

The 21st century has entered the era of technology because of the development of that field. With its useful and engaging approach to language acquisition, it has undoubtedly increased to be a significant component of language instruction. Many educators incorporate technology into their lessons while creating instructional materials to enhance learning. Students are inspired and engaged when technology is used in the classroom for listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Students feel motivated and involved in the learning process when technological tools are used in the lesson. The "net generation" of today's youngsters, as Van der Beemt, Akkerman, and Simons (2010) noted, strongly believes that technology leads to improved learning. Additionally, using technological resources into the teaching process boosts students' motivation, enthusiasm, and interest in learning a new language. According to Hennessy (2005), the use of technology can inspire both teachers and students to think creatively and take advantage of new opportunities. Technology can help teachers be more efficient, well-organized, and creative. Also. The use of technology lessens teacher centeredness, which helps students feel more at ease when practicing their language skills without worrying about making mistakes and lowering their “affective filter”. (Krashen, 1982; Krashen & Terrell, 1983; McLaughlin, 1990).

Technology gives students access to a variety of multimedia tools, including videos, podcasts, and interactive games, which can make learning a new language more interesting and fun. Yaverbaum, Kulkarni, and Wood (1997) found that integrating multimedia into the traditional learning environment not only enhances the styles of presentation but also has the benefit of increasing language retention. Technology use also saves money and time, decreases the need for commuting, offers a variety of lesson presentation options, boosts motivation, and provides learning opportunities outside the classroom. Students’ interest may not always be attracted by textbooks and lectures in typical language learning environments, which can result in boredom and disengagement. Students now have access to a variety of multimedia tools thanks to technology, which can improve their language learning process. Students can, for instance examine videos of actual conversations to help them comprehend the context in which the language is used. Additionally, listening to podcasts can help you improve your listening and comprehension abilities, and playing interactive games is a fun way to work on your vocabulary and grammar. By appealing to a variety of senses and learning styles, these multimedia tools not only make learning a new language more fascinating and enjoyable for learners, but they are also helpful in improving their ability to remember information. As a result, technology has completely changed the way that people learn languages by giving students access to a variety of multimedia tools that improve the learning process.

Language learners can interact with native speakers and other students from across the world through online language learning platforms and language exchange apps, which enables them to practice their language abilities in a more real-world and immersive setting. Connecting learners with native speakers and other language learners from across the world is one of the largest benefits of technology in language learning. This has been made possible by online language learning platforms and language exchange apps, giving learners a special chance to practice their language skills in a more real-world and immersive environment. Learners can experience accents, slang terms, and cultural quirks that they might not come across in a regular classroom setting by interacting with native speakers. Learners' speaking, listening, and confidence in their ability to communicate with native speakers can all be improved through exposure to real-world language use. Especially with language exchange applications, students can practice their conversational skills with peers who have similar levels of language competency. This is especially beneficial for beginners who might feel frightened when talking with native speakers. Learners can improve their speaking abilities and boost their confidence in an informal environment by using language exchange apps. The efficient use of technology helps in learners’ self-confidence and linguistic skill development. (Dudeney & Hockly, 2008) Additionally, mobile apps for language exchange and online language study platforms give learners flexibility and convenience. Students can communicate with people from all over the world whenever they choose from any location with an internet connection. This increases accessibility and enables students to fit language study into their busy lives. 

With the help of technology, students may personalize their language-learning experience by choosing materials and information that are appropriate to their aims, interests, and degree of ability. Technology advancements have made it possible for language learners to personalize their learning processes than ever before more extensively. With such a wide variety of digital resources at accessibility, learners can choose information and materials that fit to their individual learning aims, interests, and proficiency level. By focusing on areas where they need more practice and instead of topics that they have already learned, this adjustment helps learners acquire material more quickly. Through the internet, educators may introduce currents information and real-world learning opportunities into the classroom, shifting where and how students learn. Students can access recent data through databases on the internet, card catalogs used by foreign resources, image files, weather maps, and software. “Technology can be used to allow each student to learn virtually any subject through his or her dominant intelligence while increasing the facility of the other intelligences as well,” states Thornburg (1989). Positive classroom experiences will start and be continued with the use of technology to fulfill student needs and learning preferences. With the use of technology, students can select from many different methods of learning, such as social media platforms, podcasts, interactive videos, and language learning apps. With these options, students can decide which materials are most effective for them, whether they prefer active or collaborative activities, visual or audio learning, or both. The availability of materials for language study online also means that students are no longer restricted by time or place and may access beneficial information and tools at any time, from anywhere.

Technology can advance language learning for learners with the help of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) integration is already widespread in several fields, including language acquisition, thanks to the quick development of technology. AI is a vital tool in language teaching since it provides language learners with a plenty of advantages, including individualized language teaching, technology and AI can make a substantial contribution to language learning. AI’s capacity for providing adaptive learning experiences is another advantage for language acquisition. Systems based on AI are capable of adjusting to the demands and learning preferences of specific students, offering content and activities that are specific to their learning targets, interests, and proficiency level. Because students may move at heir own pace and concentrate on the areas where they need the most practice, the learning experience becomes more engaging and successful. The use of AI techniques in language learning apps has several advantages and improves the learning experience by making it more proactive and individualized. The ability to immediately correct mistakes made in exams and exercises is one of artificial intelligence’s major benefits for language acquisition. Learners receive quick feedback that they can use to correct their mistakes rather than having to wait days for it. Getting rid of the fear of failure: This feedback is provided in an objective way. Even though making mistakes is totally acceptable, some people nonetheless experience discomfort or embarrassment. The AI technologies assess students objectively rather than criticizing them in front of the class. Learning paths can be personalized to a user’s specific needs and interests using AI techniques, which are made possible by data collecting and predictive analytics software. The majority of language applications offer personal programs with customized games and quizzes, and learners can select their level and topic of interest. Gamification introduces us to vital aspect of online learning that encourages motivation and competition. The use of gamin components in class, such as quizzes, competitions, and marathons, has improved student involvement and enjoyment.

In conclusion, technology has greatly improved language learning by offering students a variety of interesting learning opportunities, facilitating communication and teamwork, delivering immediate feedback, personalizing the learning process, and offering immersive virtual environments. With the help of technology, students may interact with native speakers, access real language and cultural content, and personalize their learning experience to suit heir individual needs. Furthermore, thanks to technology, students may learn at heir own pace and on their own timetable, which makes it easier and more adaptable for people who lead busy lives. Technology can help students become more fluent language users, become more culturally aware, and acquire a deeper understanding of the language and culture they are learning. It is certain that language learning is going to become more available, captivating and efficient in the years to come as technology develops.

Thornburg, D. D. (1989). Education, technology, and paradigms of change for the 21st century. Monterrey, CA: Starsong Publications.

Dudeney, G., & Hockly, N. (2018). The impact of employing Telegram app on Iranian EFL beginners’ vocabulary teaching and learning. Applied research on English Language

Hennessy, S. (2005). Emerging teacher strategies for supporting. Cmabridge, UK: University of Cmabridge.

Van der Beemt, A. A. J., Akkerman,S. F. & Simons, P.R.J. (2010) Pathaways in intereactive media practices among young people. Learning, Media and Technology, 35(4), 419434.

Krashen, S., (1982), Acquiring a Second Language, Oxford, England: Pergamon Press. Principles and practices of second language acquisition.


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