Two crucial concepts that guide the use of technology in English teaching and learning are TPACK, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, and SAMR, Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition. TPACK stands for the knowledge and comprehension that instructors require in order to effectively implement technology into their teaching methods and knowledge of the topic. It points out the integration of three crucial areas of experience: technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge. Educators can create activities that are in accordance with the subject goals while applying the proper technological tools by taking into account how technology can improve instructional tactics and support meaningful learning experiences. SAMR, on the other hand, concentrates on the stages of technology integrating, from substitution (using technology as a direct replacement) to enhancement (using technology as a functional improvement) to change (technology enables significant redesign) and revision (technology enables new learning experiences that were previously unthinkable). In order provide transformative learning experiences and improve student engagement, cooperation, and creativity, both frameworks push educators to critically examine the use of technology in English teaching and learning.


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